Asked by: Shazia Abdulin
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 27th Apr 2024

Is Endless Summer hydrangea able to bloom on old wood

Your Endless Summer, unlike other Hydrangeas will flower on old and new wood. This includes branches from last year as well as newer branches. This hydrangea is unique in that it will continue to bloom and set buds throughout the season. Deadheading will encourage this.

Why isn't my endless summer hydrangea blooming?

You may not see flowers on your hydrangea bush due to sun exposure, over-watering, and over-fertilizing. Endless summerA(r), Hydrangeas love morning sun and afternoon shade. Over-watering or over-fertilizing plants can also inhibit flower production.

Should you also cut back Endless Summer Hydrangeas in fall? Endless summer Hydrangeas shouldn't be cut in the fall. Instead, cut them in May. This will ensure that the flower buds have emerged after the winter. You should only remove dead wood, and not leave any green buds or foliage.

Many people also wonder if Endless Summer Hydrangeas can be grown on new wood.

Endless SummerA(r), Hydrangeas will bloom on both the previous year's (aoldwooda) and the current season (anewwooda). To get the best flowers, protect the old wood flower buds. Do not prune or cut down shrubs after August 1.

Are old flowers to be removed from hydrangeas?

It is not necessary to remove the faded blooms. However, you can trim the stems just below and above the buds that are developing on the stem. Don't prune the shrub after August 1. The shrub will need time to grow new buds from the old wood.