Asked by: Arnaitz Selas
Asked in category: medical health, foot health
Last Updated: 9th May 2024

How is cervical spondylosis tested?

Sometimes doctors can diagnose cervical Spondylosis by performing a simple physical exam. Doctors might use X-rays to diagnose cervical spondylosis. Doctors may also use X-rays and other tests to rule out other causes, such as a spinal tumor. MRI images can show details of soft tissue such as cartilage or nerve roots.

So, what are the signs and symptoms of spondylosis in the neck?

Cervical spondylosis symptoms include:

  • Stiffness and pain in the neck
  • A headache that originates in the neck.
  • Pain in the arm or shoulder.
  • Sometimes, inability to turn the head fully or bend the neck. This can sometimes interfere with driving.
  • When the neck is turned, it can make a grinding noise or feel.

What should be done in cervical spine spondylosis? These are some things you should know:

  • Maintain a good posture.
  • Do not slump your shoulders and keep your back straight. Also, make sure you are constantly checking in with yourself.
  • Do set up your workstation so that your computer screen is visible from your eyes and your feet are on the ground.
  • DO keep stress levels low.

How do you test for spondylosis, too?

Your doctor might recommend:

  1. Neck X-ray. An X-ray may show abnormalities such as bone spurs that could indicate cervical spondylosis.
  2. CT scan. A CT scan provides more detail, especially for bones.
  3. MRI. MRI can pinpoint nerve pinches.
  4. Myelography.

Is cervical spondylosis possible to treat permanently?

NLM states that cervical spondylosis is easily diagnosed by a simple Xray. This scan will show signs of osteoarthritis at the neck region of the spine. There is no treatment for this condition, as with all forms of osteoarthritis. There are however ways to alleviate the symptoms.