Asked by: Elisabeta Eret
Asked in category: personal finance, frugal living
Last Updated: 8th May 2024

What is the value of recycled aluminum cans in California?

You can bring up 50 aluminum, 50 glass and 50 plastic California Redemption Value containers (CRV) in one visit. If you request payment by the count, you will be allowed to do so. Each container will be paid at the full CRV redemption rate of 5 or 10 cents.

It is also worth knowing how much a pound aluminum cans is worth in California.

State-certified recycling centers currently pay at least $1.64 CRV to aluminum cans, $1.28 for clear PET plastic bottles and $0.58 for HDPE plastic bottles (similarly to large water jugs); $0.10 for glass bottles.

What is a garbage bag containing cans worth? Each can is worth approximately 1.7 cents, with approximately half an ounce of aluminum per can. This corresponds to 32 cans per pound. While some can collectors make a decent living selling them, this is not a sustainable way to earn a living.

This begs the question: How many aluminum cans are required to make $100?

To get $100, you would need 100/$0.05=2000 cans at the stated CRV value. To get your $100, you would need 62.5 lbs of cans. At 31 cans per pound, you'd need 1938 cans.

What is the value of California cans and bottles?

Beverage containers that are covered by the act are subjected to California Redemption Vale (CRV). 5c for containers less then 24 ounces and 10c for containers 24 or more ounces.