Asked by: Eufracia
Asked in category: food and drink, barbecues and grilling
Last Updated: 8th May 2024

What is a substitute for Castelvetrano olives?

Cerignola olives

What is a substitute for olives?

You can substitute 1/2 cup olives for and add 2 to 3 tablespoons capersayou'll get a salty, pickled taste, but only a fraction of calories.

What is a Castelvetrano Olive? Castelvetrano olives, Italy's most popular snack olive, are very common. They are bright green and often called dolce (sweet). They come from Castelvetrano in Sicily from the Olive variety nocerella d'lice. They are light-colored and have a Kermit green hue.

Also, find out what else you can substitute for Cerignola olives.

Substitute Cerignola olives Any mild-flavored table olive can be substituted for Cerignola olives, such as Black Mission and California green olives.

What makes Castelvetrano olives so delicious?

They taste exactly the opposite to pungent-tasting olives such as kalamata. They are very light, almost sweet-tasting and perfect for snacking. The key point: Castelvetrano Olives are large in appearance and have a buttery texture with mild flavor.