Asked by: Maryuri Egozque
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 8th May 2024

Can mums survive in Florida?

Although gardeners in the northern parts of the state have used mums for months, it is better to wait until November or October to put Mums in the garden. Mums who have all their flowers open are at risk of losing their bloom quality.

This begs the question: Will mums ever grow back?

Mums are considered perennials. Back next year will depend on the time and place they were planted. Spring or summer? Mums will have plenty of time to establish a strong root system. This is why you should consider your mums annuals.

Potted mums are also perennials. Chrysanthemums (Dendranthema or Chrysanthemum spp.) They bloom in the late summer and autumn and are highly prized for their variety of sizes, shapes and colors. However, potted mums should not be considered perennials and will die within a few weeks.

It is also important to understand what temperature is too warm for mothers.

High temperatures are a problem for mums during flower initiation, especially in the early seasons. This phenomenon is called heat delay. It occurs when there are not enough days to start flowers.

How cold can moms survive?

around 20 degrees below zero Fahrenheit