Asked by: Rolanda Zumwald
Asked in category: family and relationships, divorce
Last Updated: 9th May 2024

What is upset?

) unhappy or disappointed because of something unpleasant that has happened There's no point getting upset about it.

Is Upset an adjective?

Word forms: upsetting, upsetpronunciation Note: The verb (?) and the adjective (?) are pronounced. The noun is pronounced "?ps?t". If you feel upset, it means that you are unhappy or disappointed by something. I was very upset after her death.

What is the meaning of upset, other than what I have just said? 1 Overturn, capsize, and upset all refer to the change of a stable or upright position to one that is prone. Overturn is a common term that can be applied to everyday tasks such as disturbing a table or a glass of water. Capsize refers to the upsetting or disintegration of a boat, vessel, or object. For example, to capsize a canoe.

So, which part of speech is affected?


Part of speech transitive verb
pronunciation: uhp set
inflections: Upsetting, upset, upset
Definition 1: To tip over; to turn. The vase was broken by the cat. Synonyms: tip over, tip over and topple. Antonyms: steady Similar Words: capsize

What does it mean to be upset?

upset. To be upset means to feel disoriented or very unhappy. It's possible to be upset and cause distress.