Asked by: Margot Jinga
Asked in category: technology and computing, databases
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

How do I change my password in SQL Server 2012?

SQL Server Password Visually
Click on the connect Button to be taken directly to the SQL Server Management Studio. Right-click the SA and select property. Click on to open the property window. Now, change your password and confirm it.

How can I change my password for SQL Server?

  1. Use your current password to log in to MSSQL Server via MS SQL Management Studio.
  2. Left pane of Object Explorer: Click Security -> Logins-> sa.
  3. Right-click on sa, and then click on Properties. This will bring up a screen to change your password.
  4. Change your password and click OK.

Is the SA password also stored in the DMV sys? The sa login is a SQL Server login. Its password is encrypted and stored within the DMV sys. sql_logins is the Database Management View.

You might also ask: How can I find my SA password on SQL Server 2012?

SQL Server 2012 and Later: Launch SQL Server Management Studio. Connect to your local database with the new login that you have just created. Expand Security and then Logins. Right-click user , then select Properties. Click OK to enter the new password.

How can I change my SQL username or password?


  1. Use Windows Authentication to log in to SQL server
  2. Open Object Explorer and open Security folder. Right click on the sa account to go to Properties
  3. Enter a new SQL LOGIN Password and confirm it. To close, click OK