Asked by: Natasa Model
Asked in category: business and finance, bankruptcy
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

Are you able to keep 3 cars in Chapter 7?

People can keep their cars as long as they make their bank payments. As long as the cars have a low value, it possible to take multiple automobiles through Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The Debtor can create equity in the vehicle by paying off the loan.

You might also be interested in how many cars you can keep in Chapter 7.

Two cars

What property can you keep when you file Chapter 7 bankruptcy? Exemptions are what determine what property you can keep in Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This could be your home or car, your pension, personal property, or any other property. The trustee can sell the property to pay your unsecured creditors if it is not exempt.

So, can you keep the car if Chapter 7 is filed?

Motor vehicle exemption allows you to keep your vehicle, truck, motorcycle or van during Chapter 7 bankruptcy. It also protects equity in the vehicle. You can't keep your vehicle if you are behind on your car loans.

What is Chapter 7 exempt for a car?

Motor vehicle exemption lets you protect your car equity during Chapter 7 bankruptcy. You will be able exempt (protect some equity in your vehicle ) if you file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. You can keep your car if you are able to exempt enough equity.