Asked by: Rauf Kauff
Asked in category: business and finance, job market, business and finance, job market
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

Who is founder of modern economics?

Adam Smith is widely considered to be the father of modern economics. He wasn't. It is possible that the real founder of the company may not be someone most people have heard of. Adam Smith had written "The Wealth of Nations" more than 40 years ago. Richard Cantillon, author of the "Essai Sur la Nature du Commerce En General", was also a contributor. "

Therefore, who is the father or modern economics?

Adam Smith

Who is the father Indian economics, other than those mentioned? P.V. P.V.

Who are the modern economists?

It is easy to come up with a list containing influential economists from recent memory: John Maynard Keynes and Joseph Schumpeter, Friedrich von Hayek and Paul Samuelson are all obvious choices. Milton Friedman is another. It is more difficult to find the twenty most influential living economists.

Who was the first economist to emerge?

Adam Smith