Asked by: Gilberta Ursula
Asked in category: technology and computing, databases
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

What is a DDD-aggregate?

Domain-Driven Design uses aggregate as a pattern. A DDD aggregate refers to a group of domain objects that can be regarded as one unit. One example is an order with its line-items. These will be distinct objects but it's helpful to treat the order together with its line-items as one aggregate.

Also, what is the aggregate root in DDD

Evans DDD: An Aggregate is a group of related objects that we consider a unit for data changes. The root member of the aggregate is the only one that outside objects can hold references to. This means that only aggregate roots can be loaded from a repository.

What is domain-driven design? Domain-Driven Design refers to such aidentitylessa objects as aValue Objectsa. This contrasts with aEntitiesa which have a alifetimea. For example, a student can be an entity but a grade is a valued object.

This being said, what entity is DDD?

DDD allows you to express, create and retrieve domain models using artifacts: Entity. A definition of an object that is not defined by its characteristics but by a thread or continuity that defines its identity and its character. Example: Each seat on every flight is uniquely identified by most airlines. In this context, each seat is an individual.

What is the bounded context in DDD

Bounded contexts. A logical boundary is the bound context . Once both the sub-domains have been defined, it is time to implement the code. Bounded context identifies the boundaries that define whether a sub-domain is applicable. It's an area in which a sub-domain makes sense and others don’t.