Asked by: Keenan Hochheiser
Asked in category: medical health, digestive disorders
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

What does Cullen sign indicate?

Cullen's sign may be superficial edema or bruising of the umbilicus and subcutaneous fat tissue. Grey Turner's sign (bruising on the flank) may also be present. This could indicate pancreatic necrosis.

What does Turner's sign therefore indicate?

Grey Turner's sign is bruising of your flanks. This refers to the area of the body that lies between the last and top of the hips. This is called retroperitoneal hemorhage or bleeding behind the abdomen peritoneum.

Why are the Cullen-GREY Turner signs so important? Important distinction: Cullen and Grey Turner intended the signs to indicate intra-abdominal pathology. It has been reported that abdominal wall hemorhage can occur after trauma, subcutaneous injections of drug, and paracentesis.

Hence, Cullen's sign is possible.

Cullen sign refers to hemorhagic discoloration in the umbilical area caused by intraperitoneal hemorhage. One of the most common causes is acute hemorhagic pananiculitis. Grey Turner sign refers to a discoloration on the left flank that is associated with acute hemorhagic pancreatitis.

What are the signs Cullen and GREY?

Acute pancreatitis can cause Cullen and Grey Turner signs. They indicate severe disease with a 37% mortality rate. Cullen signs are likely to be caused by blood leaking from the falciform ligament into the subcutaneous tissue surrounding his umbilicus.