Asked by: Ibrahem Bausili
Asked in category: personal finance, health insurance, personal finance, health insurance
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

What is an episode of care NHS?

An episode of care can be an inpatient episode (including re-referrals), a day patient episode (with haemodialysis patients), an outpatient episode (with AHP episodes), or an outpatient episode. Each episode begins with a referral (including the re-referral), or admission, and ends with a discharge.

The same goes for care.

A: An episode is the entire treatment of a patient for a condition. For example, a heart attack patient would have all of his or her medical care gathered into one episode.

What is a hospital episode? Episode Statistics is an information warehouse that contains details of all Admitted Patients Care, Outpatient Attendances, and Accident and Emergency Attendances in England.

What is an episode of nursing care?

A Nursing Episode is a continuous period in residential nursing care for a client (PATIENT), provided on-site 24 hours a days as part of a Hospital Provider Spill or Care Home Stay (Nursing care), and under the direct supervision of a NURSE. It is necessary to identify the NURSE responsible for Nursing Episodes.

What is a spelling NHS?

A Hospital provider Spell refers to the total continuous stay of a patient in a Hospital Bed on premises managed by a Health Care Provider. During this time, medical care is provided by one or more CONSULTANTS or the PATIENT receives care under one or several Nursing Episodes or Midwife Episodes within a WARD.