Asked by: Maksims Vondenbusch
Asked in category: sports, sailing
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

Which direction is monsoon in India?

The Indian monsoon is the most important of all the monsoon systems around the globe. It primarily affects India, and the surrounding water bodies. It blows in the northeast during the cooler months, and it reverses direction to blow towards the southwest during the hottest months of the year.

What is the direction of monsoon, too?

Summer Monsoon's direction is South West, as winds deflect to their right in the northern part of the hemisphere.

You might also wonder what the direction of the Indian summer monsoon is. These winds cross Equator and are deflected to their right by the Coriolis Effect. They reach India's western coast as South West Monsoon winds. The Summer Monsoon winds are therefore from the Northern Hemisphere in South Western direction.

Which direction does the rain in India come from?

The winds blow in a northeasterly direction over the Indian subcontinent, creating the northeast monsoon. The southwest monsoon, which flows from the sea to the land, carries more moisture and causes more rain than the northeast monsoon.

Which direction is India's wind flow?

Monsoon winds originate from the westen indian ocean, and travel towards the north east States. These places are marked on the map so you can see how this wind moves.