Asked by: Maravillas Dirkse
Asked in category: business and finance, large business
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

Who makes Kirkland batteries for Costco?


Kirkland batteries are also made for Costco.

Kirkland batteries won't have to be that way, as they are made by Duracell. Craig Jelinek (Costco's CEO) revealed this little-known secret during an interview. They are a great deal, too.

Are Kirkland brand batteries also good quality? Costco's Kirkland Signature brand alkaline battery AA was rated 80 out of 100. This compares with top-rated brands like Duracell Quantum AA Alkaline (89), Energizer Ultimate Lithium AA AA (89) or Rayovac Fusion Advanced AA Alkaline (85).

Also, what brand is Kirkland battery?


Are Duracell batteries more efficient than Kirkland batteries?

Although Duracell batteries were rated between 80-89 on the tally of scores, their prices are almost three times higher than the last cost of Kirkland Signature batteries. The Energizer Ultimate Lithium was the highest-rated of all AA battery types, and is mostly used for cameras.