Asked by: Bolena Machemehl
Asked in category: medical health, brain and nervous system disorders
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

How do you test for coordination?

Rhomberg Test, Coordination and Gait. Coordination will be evaluated by Testing the ability of the patient to perform quickly alternating and point–to-point movements correctly. Ask the patient to place his hands on his thighs, then quickly turn over and lift their legs off of their thighs.

You might also ask: What is the best test of coordination?

The fingeranoseafinger is perhaps the most popular form of testing coordination. In this test, the patient is asked to touch their nose with the examiner's finger and then move quickly.

How do you test the coordination of the lower extremity in addition to what has been mentioned? Test of coordination between the upper and lower extremities

  1. Both hands should be tested.
  2. Ask the patient to place his heel on the other knee and then slide the leg down smoothly.
  3. Both legs should be tested.

You may also be curious about Dysdiadochokinesia testing.

Dysdiadochokinesia can be demonstrated clinically by having the patient tap the palm of one side with the fingers, then quickly turn the fingers over and tap the palm with their backs, repeatedly. This is called a pronation/supination testing of the upper extremity.

What does it mean to lack of coordination?

Uncoordinated movement can also be called lack of coordination, coordination impairment or loss of coordination. Ataxia is the medical term for this condition. Most people's body movements are seamless, coordinated and smooth. Each movement involves many muscle groups.