Asked by: Laaziz Vestia
Asked in category: business and finance, executive leadership and management
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

How do I remember PMP processes?

This article will show you how to memorize and draw the PMP Process Chart within 3 minutes.
  1. Step 1: Draw a chart 6A11.
  2. Step 2: Create your Process Groups & Knowledge Areas.
  3. Step 3: Fill out the corners.
  4. Step 4: Fill out your aPlana process.
  5. Step 5: Fill out your aEstimatea process.

Know how to memorize ITTO for the PMP?

7 Strategies to Answer PMBOK ITTO Question Without Learning

  1. Take the time to read the question.
  2. Identify the Process Group.
  3. Identify the Knowledge Area.
  4. Identify the key phrase or phrases in the question.
  5. Conceptually understand the purpose of PMBOK guide processes

Do I also need to know ITTO for PMP. You will need them to remember for certain processes, but not all. You can learn how different processes interrelate if you take PMP Training or purchase a good Exam Prep Book.

You might also wonder, "How many processes are there in Pmbok 6?"

49 processes

What are ITTOs?

ITTO stands to Input, Tools & Methods and Output. Because every project has inputs (Tools & Techniques), the PMBOK Guide describes them in terms of ITTOs.