Asked by: Teona Artundoaga
Asked in category: healthy living, running and jogging
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

Is rebounding a good cardio workout?

Rebounding, a form of aerobic exercise, is done while jumping on a mini trampoline. Rebounding, among other benefits, can strengthen your bones and muscles, as well as increase endurance.

You should also know how often you should rebound in a given time period.

Rebound for at least 15 minutes each day to get detox support. Three five-minute sessions per day are a good idea. You can help weight loss by rebounding for 15-20 minutes at moderate intensity at least three times per semaine.

Is Rebounding also good for weight loss? Rebounding boosts metabolism, stimulates lymphatic system and improves cardiovascular health. Even if someone has physical limitations, it can help them lose weight.

Also, rebounding is better than running.

The International Journal of Sports Science published a new study that found that rebounding exercise is twice the effective in improving aerobic fitness, and half as efficient at burning fat than running. The study also found that vertical jumping was improved by using a mini-trampoline.

Is it good to use mini trampolines for exercise?

Jumping up and down is a ridiculously good exercise. According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), jumping on a mini trampoline in less than 20 minutes can be just as good as running. It also feels better and is a lot of fun.