Asked by: Hitomi Shalyugin
Asked in category: home and garden, home entertaining
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

What is the life expectancy of a pool filter system?

8-12 years

Another question is: How long should a pool pump last?

10- 12 years

The pool pump should not be running continuously. The pump doesn't have to be on all the time. It is recommended that pool water be filtered at least once per 24 hours. You may need to run your pump up to eight hours per days if the pool is used constantly.

Is it better to have a pool pump running at night or during the day?

The pump should be used at night if you are performing a major chemical treatment, such as an algae clean-up. Your pool will be more susceptible during the day. Plants don't grow at night as they do during the day. This applies to ALL plants, including Algae.

When is it time to replace your pool filter?

  1. Cartridge Cleaning Cleaning Cartridges.
  2. Replacing Cartridges. Cartridge filters should be changed every 3 to 5 year.
  3. Sand filters. You may have heard that sand filters never need to be changed.