Asked by: Daciana Vallins
Asked in category: business and finance, financial industry
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

What is an FHLB advance?

FHLB advances are a source of funding for a range of mortgage products. They can be used to finance a wide variety, including those that target very low- and moderate income households. Members can use advances to help them get mortgages they wish to keep in their portfolio or sell later.

With this in mind, what does FHLB do?

Federal Home Loan Bank ( FHLB System) was established by the Federal Home Loan Bank Act of1932 to increase funds for lending institutions that provide mortgages or similar loans to individuals.

The next question is: What is a "putable advance?" Putable Advances. Putable Advances provide a low-fixed rate of interest in exchange for FHLBank Indianapolis having the option to place the advance. FHLBank Indianapolis has the option to place the advance prior to maturity at any time.

What is the FHLB Rate?

Advances at Fixed Rate

Term Rates for Advance
Regular Dividend Adjusted Rate*
6 Months 0.76% 0.53%
7 Months 0.74% 0.51%
8 Months 0.73% 0.50%

Is the Federal Home Loan Bank considered a GSE?

A government-sponsored entity (GSE), is a type or financial service corporation that was created by the United States Congress. The Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) are two well-known GSEs.