Asked by: Iver Huser
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, woodworking, hobbies and interests, woodworking
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

What angles do you cut crown molding at?

When cutting crown moulding angles, it is important to remember that a power mitersaw is the best tool. The saw can be adjusted to cut at any angle aset to 45 degrees for one corner of a standard 90 degree corner. You can set the saw to 45 degrees to your left or 45 degrees towards your right.

How do you cut corners from crown molding?

Start by measuring the angle of your corner with an adjustable protractor. Next, set a compound mitersaw to the right angles. Next, place the crown molding piece in the jig. Then, use the bed of the saw to cut the right-side corner.

The next question is: What are the angles for crown molding? Crown molding with a 38-degree spring angle is so common that many miter saws have pre-set detents or markings at the 31.6 degrees miter and 33.9 degrees bevel settings for 90 degree corners.

What is the purpose of crown molding being turned upside down?

Chris Marshall: Crown moulding is usually cut upside-down with a miter saw. The narrow edge that will be against the wall rests against the fence, and the top edge that will meet the ceiling rests upon the saw table.

What size miter saw should I use for crown molding?

A crown molding of 5 inches in width will require a saw blade that is 10 inches wide. A mitersaw with a 12 inch breadth is required for a molding height of 6 inches. If the molding width exceeds 10 inches, you can use a compound mitersaw with a 12 in sliding blade.