Asked by: Xoel Nissan
Asked in category: pets, cats
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

Are Boston ferns toxic to pets?

Boston Fern Not Poisonous
Boston ferns make great indoor houseplants. They are often placed in hanging baskets and add color and texture to rooms. The Boston fern, unlike other ferns is not poisonous, but it can be attractive to cats and dogs.

People also ask if Boston ferns are safe for pets.

You might consider raising a Boston fern if you're good at gardening. The long fronds are loved by cats, who enjoy playing with them. The ASPCA states that Boston ferns do not pose a danger to cats or dogs. The University of Nebraska also lists the Boston Fern as non-toxic for humans.

What ferns can be toxic for dogs, other than the ones listed above? Asparagus Fern is a toxic plant that can be harmful to both dogs and cats. It is also known by the names Emerald Fern, Emerald Feather and Sprengeri Fern. Sapogenin is a toxin found in the plant and can cause diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and skin inflammation if it is ingested.

Are ferns poisonous for pets?

True Ferns are not poisonous. However, it is safe for cats to eat them. They aren't considered toxic, so they won't cause any serious or permanent damage to your cat's health if your cat eats them. True ferns include the Boston, maidenhair and button, as well as rabbit's feet, bird's nest, and staghorn.

Can ferns be toxic for cats and dogs?

Boston ferns (Nephrolepis), are a perennial houseplant favourite. However, their shaggy fronds might tempt pets and dogs to chew them. These lush plants are non-toxic for cats and dogs. Brighten up your bathroom or guest room with them.