Asked by: Flora Zobanov
Asked in category: books and literature, fiction
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

What's the story behind The Handmaid's Tale?

Summaries. Summary. The Handmaid’s Tale is set in Fascistic America and tells the story about Kate, a handmaid. The religious right in America has taken control and gone hog wild.

What is The Handmaid's Tale's storyline?

The Handmaid's Tale tells the story of life in Gilead's dystopia, a totalitarian society that existed in what used to be the United States. Gilead is ruled over by a fundamentalist regime which treats women as state property and faces environmental disasters and a falling birth rate.

How do you explain The Handmaid's Tale to children? It takes place in near future New England in a totalitarian government that overthrows America's government. The Handmaid's Tale examines the themes of subjugation of women in patriarchal societies and the different means these women use to resist and gain independence.

Similar to the Handmaid's Tale, what is its main idea?

The Handmaid's Tale's most significant theme is the manipulation and presence of power. One side, Gilead is a dictatorship of theocratic rulers, so power is imposed completely from the top.

Is it possible for a handmaid to become a woman?

She cannot. A Handmaid woman who is not able to conceive but has sinned according to Gilead's standards. She is either a mother-to-be or has had an abortion.