Asked by: Lamine Dertwinkel
Asked in category: healthy living, nutrition
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

Is quitting drinking alcohol likely to lower cholesterol

Alcohol Boosts Cholesterol
Studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption is associated with lower heart disease rates and may even lead to longer life expectancy than those who don't. There has been evidence that alcohol is associated with a lower risk for blood clots, and lower levels of inflammation markers.

It is also important to find out if reducing alcohol intake lowers cholesterol.

Research has shown that moderate alcohol intake can increase your gooda cholesterol levels and speed up the rate at which proteins are moved through the body. However, drinking more than is recommended can have the opposite effect and raise cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

How quickly can you lower your cholesterol? It is encouraging to learn that not everyone needs to depend on prescription drugs and all their side effects to lower their cholesterol. A healthy lifestyle can lead to dramatic drops in cholesterol in as little as two to three weeks.

This being said, what is your best option to lower cholesterol?

Drinks that can lower high cholesterol

  • Green tea. isa-7777/Getty Images.
  • Tart cherry juice. PR Newswire reports that a study in Food & Function showed tart cherry juice could help lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health.
  • Citrus juice.
  • Cranberry juice

Does quitting alcohol lower blood sugar?

Some believe that alcohol withdrawal can also be caused by hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia and alcohol have another relationship. Low blood sugar can cause brain neurotransmitters to drop.