Asked by: Ermanno Kark
Asked in category: style and fashion, womens outerwear, style and fashion, womens outerwear
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

Why are dusters called dusters?

A duster is a loose-fitting, lightweight long coat. To protect their clothing against trail dust, the original dusters were full-length, light colored canvas or linen coats.

This being said, why is a duster coat called one?

Light-colored linen or canvas were the traditional material for men's duster coats. These coats were named after their original purpose, which was protection from road dust.

The question that follows is why dusters are always yellow. Yellow is the colour of the flag that was hoisted on a ship to let the shore know that the crew were clean and fit. Spring cleaning is symbolic of spreading sunshine around the home with (yellow-colored) wax and a duster.

This is why dusters wear capes.

These are designed to protect you and your clothing from the dirt, bugs, and elements mother nature can throw at you while you drive down the highway. Most leather dusters or capes are made in the same way.

Are dusters in style?

Dusters are long, loose-fitting coats that can be worn over a variety of styles and materials. To dress up your look, you can wear a duster over shorts or skirts in warmer weather. For a chic, put-together look, wear a duster over jeans, work trousers, or a nice dress.