Asked by: Adjou Baigorri
Asked in category: healthy living, womens health
Last Updated: 3rd Jul 2024

What causes a kinked bladder?

Acute unilateral obstructive urinaropathy is one of the most common causes for hydronephrosis. This refers to the sudden appearance of an obstruction in your Ureters. These are the tubes connecting your kidneys and your bladder. A kink in your ureteropelvic joint, which is the place where the ureter meets with the pelvis of a kidney.

What are the signs and symptoms of a blocked urinary tract?

The following are symptoms of a ureteral blockage:

  • Abdominal pain on either one or both flanks (called flank pain).
  • Hematuria is the presence of blood in your urine.
  • Fever.
  • Leg swelling.
  • Oliguria is a reduced urine output.

A ureter can heal itself on its own. Sometimes, diversion of urine stream using a nephrostomy (or stent) is all that is needed. Urologists can heal most patients without the need for strictures If a stricture does occur, it can be treated endoscopically using balloon dilation or endoureterotomy.

What causes scar tissue in the ureter?

After an accident, surgery or other procedure, scar tissue can form in the ureter. It may also form due to a medical condition such as cancer or endometriosis. Scar tissue causes a narrowing in the Ureter. The ureter becomes blocked and urine backs up into your kidneys.

How can you clear a blocked urinary tract?


  1. A ureteral Stent, a hollow tube that is inserted into the ureter to keep it closed.
  2. Percutaneous nephrostomy is when your doctor inserts an instrument through your back to drain your kidneys.
  3. A catheter is a tube that is inserted through the urethra and connects the bladder to an external drainage bag.