Asked by: Aintza Decke
Asked in category: healthy living, nutrition
Last Updated: 3rd Jul 2024

What causes kwashiorkor?

A lack of protein in your diet can cause Kwashiorkor. Protein is found in every cell of your body. Protein is essential for the body's ability to repair and create new cells. This is how a healthy body can regenerate cells continuously.

Similar questions can be asked about marasmus and kwashiorkor.

Both marasmus or kwashiorkor are caused by a lack of food access. Famine is one of the factors that can affect an individual's ability to access food. A caregiver's inability or incapacity to obtain food because of lack of transportation, illness, or other factors.

What is kwashiorkor, and what are its symptoms? Kwashiorkor refers to a condition that is caused by insufficient protein intake. Initial symptoms include fatigue and irritability. If protein deprivation continues, you will see growth failure, loss in muscle mass, generalized swelling (edema), decreased immunity, and even death. It is common to have a large, protuberant stomach.

So, what are the main causes for kwashiorkor in this case?

Kwashiorkor refers to severe protein malnutrition that is characterised by edema, an enlarged liver and fatty infiltrates. It can be caused by a high calorie intake but not enough protein, which is what makes it different from marasmus. Kwashiorkor cases are common in areas with low food supplies or areas where there is a lot of famine.

What does kwashiorkor do to the body?

Kwashiorkor refers to severe malnutrition. This is most common in developing countries where children and babies don't get enough protein or other essential nutrients. Kwashiorkor's main sign is excessive fluid in the tissues of the body, which can cause swelling under the skin (oedema).