Asked by: Jiani Schutz
Asked in category: sports, surfing and bodyboarding
Last Updated: 3rd Jul 2024

From where did the word "vagrant" originate?

Middle English vagraunt (awandering arounda), Anglo-Norman wakerant wacrant waucrant walcrant (a Vagranta), Old French Wacrant (awandering arounda), present partple of wacrer waucrer, and walcrer (ato roam, wander about like a vagabonda), Frankish *walkrAn, frequentative

This being said, is vagrant considered a derogatory term.

Zackie Achmat tweets: "Vagrant" was a derogatory term used in Victorian England. "Homeless" can be referred to as a status that is not blameworthy.

What is the name of someone who has no permanent home? 1 Vagabond, or vagrant, is a disreputable, idle person without a permanent home. A vagrant is a person without a settled abode or income, an unruly person. They are often picked up by the police and classified as a vagrant.

It is also important to understand what a vagrant is.

A vagrant can be described as someone who is homeless or poor and wanders from one place to the next. A vagrant can be a person who is homeless or poor and has lost their job, family, health, or lives on the streets.

Is Vagabond a bad name?

Vagabond is a term that refers to a carefree, careless person. Although it is not recommended to be a Vagabond, the term conveys a romantic notion of living away from the rat race. Vagabond can be used as an adjective or a noun.