Asked by: Ihssane Helden
Asked in category: business and finance, job market
Last Updated: 3rd Jul 2024

What's a job for children?

occupation. Definition 1: The work that a person does in order to make a living. occupation. Most members of her family are teachers.

This being said, what is an occupation?

A person's primary or usual work, or business, particularly as a way of earning a living. Her occupation was dentistry. Any activity that a person engages in. Possession, settlement, and use of land or property.

What should I write about my occupation? These positions, jobs, and occupations typically involve creative, entertaining, or informational writing.

  1. Author.
  2. Blogger.
  3. Book coach.
  4. Commissioning editor.
  5. Copy editor
  6. Creative consultant.
  7. Dog writer.
  8. Freelancer.

What are some examples of occupation in this context?

  • Examples of occupations
  • Computer and Information Systems Managers
  • Engineering Managers.
  • Natural Sciences Managers
  • Auditors and accountants
  • Computer and mathematical occupations. Examples include:
  • Engineering and Architecture Occupations. Examples include:
  • Life Scientists. Examples include:

Which are the four types?

Jobs and Occupations

  • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Architecture and Construction
  • Communications, Audio/Video Technology, and Arts
  • Training and education
  • Government and Public Administration
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Information Technology
  • Manufacturing.
  • Science, Technology Engineering, and Mathematics