Asked by: Masseye Twersky
Asked in category: medical health, infectious diseases
Last Updated: 3rd Jul 2024

What causes CWD?

A misfolded protein known as a prion is responsible for chronic wasting disease. Normal prions are produced by all mammals. Cells use them, and then they are eliminated or recycled within the body. Normal prions can become abnormal when they come in contact with disease-associated prions.

Can humans then get CWD?

Although CWD has not been confirmed in humans, studies have shown that it can be transmitted to other animals, such as primates. According to the CDC, humans should eat infected deer meat to prevent it spreading to them.

What are the signs and symptoms of CWD? Infected animals may experience excessive salivation, muscle coordination problems, difficulty swallowing, excessive thirst and excessive urination. Subtle behavioral changes such as loss of fear or abnormal behavior can be the first sign of infection.

How can you prevent CWD, other than the above?


  1. Rubber gloves or latex gloves are recommended for handling meat and dressing animals.
  2. Reduce the amount of time you spend on the organs, especially the brain and spinal cord tissues.
  3. Field dressing should not be done with household knives or any other kitchen utensils.

How can you get chronic wasting diseases?

CWD can be transmitted from animal-to-animal contact and indirectly by contact with infected objects and environments (including saliva, urine and feces) Learn more at the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Chronic Wasting Disease in Animals.