Asked by: Chaker Meyerdrees
Asked in category: healthy living, nutrition
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

Who doesn't need protein?

Protein is found in every cell of the human body. protein's basic structure is a series of amino acids. To help your body make new cells and repair old ones, you must have protein. For children, teenagers, and pregnant women, protein is important for their growth and development.

Hence, why do we require proteins?

Every cell of the body is made up of protein. Your body uses protein to repair and build tissues. protein is also used to create enzymes, hormones and other chemicals. Protein is an important building block for bones, muscles cartilage, skin and blood.

What happens if your body has a low level of protein? If your body doesn't have enough protein, you can experience protein deficiency. Insufficient protein may cause muscle cramping, weakness and soreness. When protein is low, your body will use the protein you take from muscle tissue to provide energy for other vital body functions.

Do we really need to eat protein, other than the ones mentioned above?

Protein is essential for every cell of our bodies. Protein is essential for the growth of nails, hair, bones, and muscles. You may feel fuller for longer periods of time if you eat protein. Protein is a common food, and unlike other nutrients, it's not limited to a handful of foods.

WHO recommends a daily intake of protein?

DRI (Dietary Reference Intake), is 0.8 grams protein per kilogram of bodyweight or 0.36 grams per weight. This is 56 grams daily for an average sedentary male. 46 grams per day is the average daily sedentary female.