Asked by: Martin Eyzaga
Asked in category: personal finance, frugal living
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

Are you able to recycle Christmas trees?

Christmas trees. 'Real trees can be recycled and can be shredded into chips which can then be used locally in parks and woodland areas. Artificial trees can not recycle because they are made of a mixture of materials. Charity shops may accept unwanted trees in good condition for resale or re-use.

People also ask if you can recycle fake Christmas trees.

No. Artificial trees made from polyvinyl chloride, a hard-to-recycle plastic . These trees can be reused for multiple years but are not considered end-of-life. Artificial trees can be donated to a secondhand shop, but they won't be accepted until November to be resold.

How can I recycle a Christmas tree? Simply take the branches off and shake out any dead needles. They won't accumulate mold and will slowly decompose. You can use your hacksaw or miter saw to cut the Christmas tree trunk in trivets and coasters. To prevent sap from leaking, make sure to sand the surfaces and seal them with stain or sealant.

What can I do with my old artificial Christmas trees?


  • You can use it for years. Reuse the artificial Christmas tree as often as possible to make the most of it.
  • Donate or sell your tree. Consider donating your artificial tree to a thrift shop rather than throwing it away if it is still in good condition.
  • Use for smaller decorations

My old Christmas tree can be donated to charity.

Harman suggests that you donate your artificial tree to a national charity such as the Goodwill or the Salvation Army. Harman suggests that you check with your local church or charity before you give your artificial tree to a national charity.