Asked by: Angelberto Arrechea
Asked in category: medical health, cancer
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What does X-ray machine mean?

Any machine that uses X-rays is an X-ray machine. It could include an X- radiation generator and an X- radiation detector. Machines are used for medical projectional radiography. Machines to computed tomography. Backscatter Xray machines are used in airport security as "body scanners".

What is the simplest definition of X-ray?

Licensed by iStockPhoto. noun. The definition for an X- Ray is a photograph taken inside something using high energy electromagnetic radiation that has short wavelengths and can pass through items. An X-ray is a picture taken by a doctor to check for broken bones.

What is the purpose and function of an X-ray machine? Purpose. The purpose of diagnostic x-rays is to detect abnormalities in the body. These non-invasive, painless tests can be used to diagnose broken bones, cancerous tumors, or foreign bodies.

Also, find out what's in an X-ray machine.

Description: Radiography or X-ray is the most popular form of medical imaging. An X- radiation machine creates a controlled beam that emits radiation. This is used to create images of the inside of your body. The film will appear white because of the fact that radiation is blocked by dense tissue such as bone.

What is the full version of X-ray?

X-radiation (Xrays) is a type of electromagnetic radiation. Wilhelm Conrad RAPntgen discovered X-rays in 1895. He named the new form radiation Xradiation (X being for Unknowna). X-radiation is called RAPntgen radiation, after Wilhelm RAPntgen.