Asked by: Mikele Palmier
Asked in category: events and attractions, outdoor activities
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What does the sign scout mean?

The Scout sign is used to identify you as a Scout anywhere on the planet. It is used whenever you administer the Scout Law or Scout Oath. The three upraised fingers represent the three parts of Scout Obeth. The bond between all Scouts is represented by the thumb and little fingers.

What does the scout sign mean?

Origins of the design The symbols of Service to Others, Duty To God, and Obeyance to the Scout Law were the plumes of the fleur de-lis.

Also, find out what the three fingers in Boy Scouts mean. Robert Baden-Powell, in his book Scouting for Boys, chose the three-finger salute for Scouts as a way to honor God and country. Help others. Respect the Scout Law.

This is how to understand the Cub Scout sign.

Meaning: The two fingers represent the two parts the Cub Scout Promise - to HELP OTHER PEOPLE and to OBEY. They look like wolves ears, ready to listen. When you say the Cub Scout Promise and the "Law of the Pack", the Cub Scout Sign will be given. As you hold your fingers for the cub Scout sign, keep them in place.

When is the Scout salute appropriate?

You hold your hand the same way as the Cub Scout sign except that the index and middle fingers are joined. The salute can be used to salute flag while in uniform. Otherwise, hold your right hand above your heart. It can also be used to greet other Scouts.