Asked by: Caterine Schopphoven
Asked in category: food and drink, cooking, food and drink, cooking
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

Can garlic get rid of mosquitoes?

Garlic contains natural sulfur, which repels mosquitoes. Spraying garlic for insects is not a new practice. Farmers and master gardeners have been doing this for many years. Although the juice is safe for humans, pets, and plants, it can be fatal to mosquitoes.

This being said, how can you use garlic to kill mosquitoes?

Garlic Mosquito Repellent Mosquitos loathe the stuff! Mix a few cloves garlic with some mineral oil. Let them sit for 24 hours. After they have soaked for 24 hours, take out the minced garlic pieces and combine the oil with 2 cups of water and 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice.

The question then becomes, "What smells do mosquitoes dislike?" The oils of lemons, oranges, basil, lavender, basil, and catnip are naturally repelling mosquitoes. They are also generally pleasant to the nostrils - unless you're a feline. They have a bitter, citrusy scent that mosquitoes avoid unless they are really hungry.

So, does garlic water repel mosquitoes too?

Garlic Water Garlic has natural sulfur that repels mosquitoes. Garlic water, and the odor from the garlic liquid chase mosquitoes off for as long as they can smell it. Although the odor of sprayed garlic juice is quickly obliterated by humans, it can be detected by mosquitoes for much longer.

What is the best natural repellent against mosquitoes?

Learn about the best natural mosquito repellents, and how they work.

  1. Citronella. Share this Pin it
  2. Lemon eucalyptus. Lemon eucalyptus essential oil contains 85% citronellal.
  3. Clove.
  4. Peppermint.
  5. Lemongrass.
  6. Basil.
  7. Neem.
  8. Eucalyptus.