Asked by: Margara Cordinha
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, astrology
Last Updated: 28th Jun 2024

Which signs are attracted to Taurus?

Taurus (April 20, 20 - May 20,): Leo Libra Capricorn
Libra is ruled by Venus just like Taurus. Both signs love romance and love to be loved. They may also enjoy fine dining and winning.

Who is Taurus attracted too?

Aries males are more attracted to Gemini and Leo females than Aries ones. Taurus males are more attracted Scorpios and Pisces.

What sign is Cancer attracted too? It's good to know, Pisces. Cancer will also be attracted to you as Cancer. Scorpio and Virgo are more likely to see you. Mesa says that Cancer is very emotional and is attracted to Pisces' dreamy state of mind and mysterious nature.

What are Taurus females attracted towards?

She will attract men who are intelligent, graceful, and have great courtship skills. The Taurus seeks security and confidence. This woman will be attracted to a man who is confident and displays quiet strength. She will happily let him take the initiative.

Who is the Taurus soulmate?

They don't have the time to hold back, and they need someone who can keep up with them. They are looking for someone who is strong and willing to take risks. Potential soul mates are Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius. Taurus' soulmate is a loyal and romantic person who views them as the center or the universe.