Asked by: Catharina Bertani
Asked in category: food and drink, world cuisines, food and drink, world cuisines
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

What vegetables can I freeze raw?

You can freeze almost any vegetable or fruit except celery, watercress and endive. These foods are high in water and can become soggy and waterlogged after being thawed. Apples: Whole, unpeeled apples can be frozen, but sliced apples are more stable.

Can you freeze fresh vegetables without boiling?

Many vegetables can be frozen without blanching, but their shelf lives will be shorter. Greens can also be frozen without blanching. However, for a better product, you can stir-fry them instead.

Can all vegetables be frozen? Most vegetables can be frozen! Vegetables can be frozen for up to one year if they are properly stored. Here are some of our posts about how can freeze tomatoes, onions, squash, pumpkins, and tomatoes. You can also freeze leafy greens like kale, chard, and spinach.

You might also be interested in knowing what vegetables can be frozen raw.

You can freeze almost any vegetable or fruit except celery, watercress and endive. These foods are high in water and can become soggy and waterlogged after being thawed. Apples: Whole, unpeeled apples can be frozen, but sliced apples are more stable.

What vegetables can be frozen without having to blanch them?

Some sources suggest blanching sweet peppers, onions and corn. However, these vegetables can be frozen with no blanching. Even if they are blanched first, most root vegetables, including potatoes, don't freeze well.