Asked by: Onel Suthar
Asked in category: food and drink, vegetarian diets
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

How far apart should I plant pecan trees?

Pecan trees can be planted far away from buildings, structures and overhead power lines due to their potential size. To ensure that they don't crowd when they reach maturity, yard and home orchard trees must be at least 60-80 feet apart.

People also ask: How far apart can I plant pecan trees.

Spacing. Pecan trees should not be planted between 60 to 80 feet apart in order to give them enough space for growth. Pecan trees that are too crowded will not grow well and may result in lower harvests.

You may also wonder where pecan trees can grow best. Pecans thrive in sunlit areas with good air circulation and porous soil.

It is also important to find out how many pecan trees you can plant per acre.

Pecan trees can be planted at rates ranging between 12 to 48 trees an acre. This allows for over 1,000 pounds of pecan tree production per year. Many varieties require 50 nuts to make one pound. A single acre of pecan trees can yield over 50,000 nuts that must be harvested.

Are Pecan trees able to take full sun?

Pecan trees require full sun every day. Pecan trees require well-drained, deep soil. Pecan trees require at least 36 inches well-drained soil for maximum growth and production. However, they can grow in less if properly cared for.