Asked by: Adelio Mijancos
Asked in category: style and fashion, bath and shower, style and fashion, bath and shower
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

Is it OK to put chlorine tablets in a saltwater pool?

A pool with a normal chlorine level will not see a drastic drop in chlorine levels. You would not need to use chlorine tabs for your salt swimming pool. The short answer is no. The chlorine should be kept between 2 and 4 ppm and 3 to 5 ppm respectively.

It is also important to know if you can put chlorine tablets into a salt water swimming pool.

We recommend that your pool has a chlorine level of 3 ppm. If the salt system is unable to get you to 2ppm, then a tablet might be able to add some chlorine. This is great news. Your salt cell should last longer if it is set at 10 vs.70.

What chemicals are used in saltwater pools? 7 Essential Chemicals You Need to Open a Salt Water Pool

  • Alkalinity. Low or high pH levels can alter the pH level, which can lead to adjustments for other chemicals.
  • pH. After you have reached the alkalinity level, you will need to adjust your pH levels.
  • Chlorine.
  • Cyanuric Acid.
  • Calcium.
  • Metals.
  • Salt.

What time should you super-chlorinate salt water pool?

Some generators have a setting which increases chlorine production for super-chlorinating. You should use it after heavy use, after rainstorms, and whenever the pool water becomes cloudy.

Is it okay to use chlorine in a saltwater swimming pool?

There are some things to consider when adding chlorine to a salt pool. Salt water pools require chlorine. - Yes. CYA is required to ensure that the sun does not burn the chlorine in your pool.