Asked by: Yiming Barbeito
Asked in category: events and attractions, comedy events
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

Which geolocation API method can be used to determine the current geographical location of the user

Geolocation Methods
Sr.No. Method and Description
1 GetCurrentPosition() This method returns the current geographical location of the user.
2 WatchPosition() This method retrieves periodic updates regarding the current geographical location.
3 ClearWatch() This method cancels an existing watchPosition call.

Similar questions are asked: Which method returns the current geographic location of the device?

GetCurrentPosition() API Geolocation The getCurrentPosition method retrieves current geographical location. The location can be expressed as a collection of geographical coordinates along with information about heading or speed. The Position object returns the location information.

What is geolocation used for, other than the above? This technology is the core of this trend. You can use it to tell your friends where you are or to find places suggested by others. Or to check in at bars, clubs, and remotely.

Another question is: How do I access geolocation information?

A call to navigator will allow you to access the Geolocation API. geolocation will prompt the browser to ask for permission to view their location information. The browser will access the information using the best functionality available on the device if they agree (for example, GPS).

Which method provides automatic updates regarding the current location of your device?

WatchPosition method