Asked by: Bennacer Gathen
Asked in category: education, language learning
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

What does the basement signify in the book thief's story?

The Book Thief's basements represent hiding and protection from the outside world. They are symbolic because they can be used to express creativity that comes from Max and Liesel.

What does Hans tell Liesel about this?

Hans tells Liesel in the basement about the events of the war. Hans informs Liesel that Max must not be told to anyone.

Second, Liesel brings snow into the basement. Why did Liesel bring snow to the basement? Liesel feels guilty because she becomes very sick after making a snowman in her basement Max. She blames herself for Max's illness.

What does the symbolism of the man standing over all this?

The Standover Man, written by Max for Liesel in his birthday gift category, is very simple. This gift is no exception. Gifts from the heart always go down well. This is Max's gratitude to Liesel for being part of his life.

Hans was on the waiting list for what reason?

The waitinglist was put on him. Because he was a skilled housepainter, accordionist, and a good housepainter, he was left alone. Until a man approached him on the street asking if he would honor his promise to the Vandenburg family.