Asked by: Naomi Maitena
Asked in category: healthy living, womens health
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

What is the average time it takes to receive results from a cervical culture?

Your cervical screening results should be available within two weeks of your test. However, it is possible for them to take longer. You can ask your nurse at your appointment how long it will take for your results to arrive and what the process will be.

How long does it take for a smear to be returned?

It usually takes 1 to 3 weeks for the test results to be returned. Although most test results are negative they may sometimes turn out to be positive.

Are abnormal Pap results more difficult to obtain? The majority of smear results will be clear. The cervical screening program is designed to detect early cell changes in the body and then treat them. It is okay to delay treatment if necessary, even if your smear results indicate that you need it. However, abnormal cells can take years, sometimes even decades, to develop into more serious conditions.

What is a cervical culture?

The reason the test is done It can also be used to test for sexually transmitted disorders.

Is cervical cancer possible in as little as 3 years?

Cervical cancer can often develop over several years. The cells around the cervical cervix can become abnormal. Dysplasia, or cervical intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN), are early cell changes that happen before cancer is diagnosed.