Asked by: Guanping Izarraspi
Asked in category: books and literature, travel books
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

What is Santiago's vision of the world?

Summary. Summary. Santiago sees hawks attack each other, and has a vision of armies passing through the oasis. Santiago recalls Melchizedek’s advice to listen to omens and tells the camel driver his vision.

What vision does Santiago also have seeing the Hawks in the desert,

Santiago saw the hawks and had a vision. He saw that armies would ride through the oasis. Santiago's vision is something that every person can see. The camel driver takes Santiago's vision seriously.

Another question that might be asked is, "What was Santiago's reward for saving this oasis?" Santiago received 50 pieces of gold as a reward for saving the oasis

You might also ask: What is Santiago's treasure?"

Treasure, specifically treasure. In a dream Santiago describes a child who takes him to the pyramids, telling him that he will find a hidden treasure. The treasure turns out to be quite amazing, "a chest full of Spanish gold coins."

What does Santiago think about the possibility that he will die?

Santiago claims that the fish has the right to die before he even considers the possibility. Santiago doesn't consider pain important. Santiago was made to fish, just like the fish was made to fish. Santiago's purpose is fishing. It is his work, his life and a struggle that wears Santiago down.