Asked by: Merideth Zschalich
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

Where is the infrared located?

The Infrared. Infrared light lies in between the visible-middle electromagnetic spectrum. Like visible light, infrared light can have a variety of wavelengths.

Furthermore, where can you find infrared light?

Infrared waves are found in the electromagnetic spectrum at frequencies higher than those of microwaves, but just below those of red visible lights. This is why they are called "infrared." According to the California Institute of Technology, infrared radiation waves are longer than visible light.

The question that follows is: Is infrared radiation harmful? Infrared light's dangers The skin and eyes are not affected by near-infrared radiation. Infrared rays can cause damage to the eyes, so closing them may not be an option. The retina and lens can be damaged by long-term infrared radiation exposure.

This is how infrared can be used.

Infrared radiation is the most common wavelength for objects that are warm in our daily lives. Half of the Sun's energy is infrared. Infrared radiation is used in many ways including remote controls, thermal imaging cameras, fiber optic cables and infraredastronomy.

Is infrared equivalent to heat?

Infrared light is often called heat because most heat produces light in the infrared. Although Heat Energy and light are technically different, Heat Energy can be measured using its EM radiation. Heat can produce visible light at the same temperature as our sun, as well as ultraviolet light.