Asked by: Hammou Ordeix
Asked in category: food and drink, vegetarian diets
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

Where does Love in the Mist Grow?

Love-in-amist, one of the 15 species of Nigella is a native to northern Africa and southern Europe. This plant can be found in the fields, on roadsides and in rocky or contaminated ground in its natural habitat.

Do you deadhead your love in mist?

The care of a mistflower's love is easy: water when it is dry, feed often, deadhead blooms to encourage new growth and collect seeds from the seedpods. To add romance and color to your garden, grow the love in a Mist Plant.

Similar to the above, where can Nigella sativa be found? Nigella sativa can be found in western Asia, where it can grow wild or cultivated. It can also be grown in India, Egypt, and the Middle East.

Is love in the mist also poisonous?

Although the flowers can be found in many colours, such as white, pink, and purple it blooms mainly in shades of blue. After the flowers have finished blooming, the plant will produce seeds. Ingestion of any part of the plant can lead to serious illness or even death.

How long does Nigella take to grow?

10-14 Days