Asked by: Ugutz Jokisch
Asked in category: events and attractions, musicals
Last Updated: 28th Jun 2024

Where did the writer hear others talking about an unusual good school?

Booker T Washington, the writer, heard about a school in Virginia that was exceptional from fellow miners. At that time, the author was working in a coal mine. Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute were the names of this school.

So, from where did the writer get an unusually good school answer?

Answer: In the coal mine, the writer was told about an unusual school run by miners.

Who is also the author of my struggle to get an education? Booker T. Washington is the author lesson about my struggle for an education.

Accordingly, which was the full name of the school for Coloured People?

Virginia is home to the great school for people of color. Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute is the full name of this school.

What was the inspiration for the Hampton Institute?

Answer and explanation: Booker T. Washington longed for an education since he was a child slave, but he was not able to go to school. He was eager to learn.