Asked by: Eula Palhares
Asked in category: healthy living, mens health, healthy living, mens health
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

Which is the abbreviation for a surgery that treats benign prostatic hypertrophy?

Benign prostatitis (BPH)
Transurethral resection (TURP) is a procedure that treats urinary problems caused by an enlarged prostate. A resectoscope, also known as a penis instrument, is inserted through your penis tip and into the tube that transports urine from your bladder (urethra span>).

What is the best procedure for an enlarged prostate?

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), transurethral surgery for BPH is the best option. The surgeon will remove prostate tissue that has obstructed the urethra with a resectoscope. This is done during TURP. Another method is transurethral Incision of the Prostate (TUIP).

What size prostate needs surgery? An open prostatectomy is performed for patients with prostate glands greater than 80 grams. After making an incision from the navel down to the pubic bone the surgeon will open the bladder and remove any prostate tissue.

People also ask: What are the different types?

Types Of Surgery

  • Transurethral Incision of the Prostate (TUIP). This surgery does NOT involve the removal of prostate tissue.
  • Laser surgery. Laser energy is used by doctors to shrink the prostate and kill any remaining tissue.
  • Open prostatectomy (open surgery).
  • Laparoscopic and robotic prostatectomy.

What is TUIP surgery?

The procedure of prostate gland transurethral incision (TUIP), is used to treat symptoms that are caused by an enlarged prostate. It is generally recommended for men with small- or moderately-sized prostates.