Asked by: Lucky Vilson
Asked in category: medical health, bone and joint conditions
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

Does patellofemoral pain syndrome go away?

Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), is a condition that causes pain to feel mainly in the knees, particularly on the underside or around the edges. The pain is usually not severe in most cases and can often be treated with simple physical therapy.

This begs the question: How long does the patellofemoral Syndrome last?

This condition can also get worse if you sit for too long. This can affect one or both of your knees. This condition can last for weeks or even months.

A knee brace can help with patellofemoral symptoms. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome & Runner’s Knee Braces Knee braces may be used to reduce or prevent the symptoms of Runner’s Knee and patellofemoral (PFPS) pain. Most commonly, pain is felt around or under the kneecap, especially when you bend your knees or run/walk, or climb stairs.

How can you treat the patellofemoral pain syndrome in the same way?

Treatment for Patellofemoral Pain begins with simple steps. As much as you can, rest your knees. Do not do any activity that increases the pain.


  1. Rehabilitation exercises.
  2. Braces for support
  3. Taping.
  4. Ice.
  5. Knee-friendly sports.

How can you treat patella pain?

  1. Relax your knee.
  2. Ice your knees to reduce swelling and pain.
  3. Wrap your knees.
  4. When you lie down or sit, elevate your leg on a pillow.
  5. If necessary, take NSAIDs such as naproxen or ibuprofen.
  6. Stretching and strengthening exercises are recommended, particularly for quadriceps muscles.