Asked by: Ciriaco Baldeweg
Asked in category: sports, canoeing and kayaking
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

What part of speech does circumnavigate fall under?

Part of speech transitive verb
inflections: circumnavigating, circumnavigating
definition: To travel completely around, esp. By sailing. Ferdinand Magellen, a Portuguese explorer, is believed to have been the first to circumnavigate all of the planet. similar words: circle
Similar words: circuit, circumvent

This begs the question: Is circumnavigate a noun or a verb?

verb (used with object), cirA*cumA*navA*iA*gatA*ed, cirA*cumA*navA*iA*gatA*ing. To sail around or fly around; to make the circuit by navigation: to circumnavigate earth. To move around or go around: To circumnavigate heavy downtown traffic.

What is an antonym for circumnavigate, other than the above? Antonyms for CIRCUMNAVIGATE court include embrace, pursue and confront, face, meet with, accept, welcome, search.

Many people also wonder if circumnavigate means the same thing.

Circumnavigate is a way to travel in a large circle. Circumnavigate is a combination of circum-, "around", and navigare, which means "to navigate". It was used for the first time in an era when sailors were trying new lands. The "around" was the journey around the entire globe.

What does circumnavigate mean in a sentence

With all the luxury and comforts of modern life, a yacht can now circumnavigate the globe. If she is sunk, he must circumnavigate her vessel or the vortex. We would like to circumnavigate an island if the wind is favorable. They were the first American ships to circumnavigate all of the planet.