Asked by: Alexia Anderleit
Asked in category: science, geology
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

What are non-metallic resources?

Non-metallic mineral resources
  • Granite, marble, sandstone and porphyry are all options.
  • Chalk and dolomite
  • Limestone, gypsum
  • Slate;
  • Chemical and fertilizer mineral
  • Salt;
  • Clays and Kaolin
  • Sand and gravel

What are non-metallic resources in this context?

Nonmetallic minerals are a group of special chemical elements that cannot be melted to create new products. Examples of nonmetallic minerals include sand, gravels, limestone, clay and marble. The production of lime products, cement, ceramics and glass is the most well-known nonmetallic mineral industry.

Second, what non-metallic resources are available in the Philippines. The Visayas are the main source of nonmetallic mineral resources, including limestone, asphalt, silica, gypsum and phosphate. The northwest coast of Palawan is where petroleum and natural gas are mined.

Another question is: What are some examples non-metallic minerals?

Non-metallic minerals refer to those minerals that do not produce new products from melting. Some examples include iron, copper, bauxite and gold. Some examples include coal, salt and clay. They are often associated with igneous/metamorphic rock.

Are there non-metallic minerals?

Non-metallic mineral are found in

  • A. Igneous rocks.
  • Metamorphic rocks
  • Sedimentary rocks
  • All of the above.