Asked by: Hanane Oheix
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, woodworking
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

Can you cut sliding PAX doors?

Answering your question, you can reduce the PAX wardrobe. There's no problem. It is possible to cut half of the top and cover it with the original top panels. This Instructable is a great resource for sharp and clean cuts.

Similar to the previous question, is it possible to reduce the size of your PAX wardrobe?

Yes, it is possible to reduce the length of PAX wardrobes. Remember that you will need sufficient space height to accommodate the wardrobe's diagonal dimension (79 1/4a3). Otherwise, it won't be possible to stand it up once it's erected flat on the ground.

Second, how long does it usually take to put together an Ikea Pax wardrobe? A frame takes about 15 minutes. Sliding doors, lights on each shelf, and full of drawers are the most time-consuming. did 2x75 1x100. I also did a side extension pax in 10 hours. Expect to take at least three times as long if you are not familiar with building them.

How much clearance does a Pax wardrobe require?

This allows for a clearance of between the top and ceiling of the wardrobe. The assembly can be a little more difficult. It is necessary to assemble the frame upright. Although it is possible to put the frames on their side, it is more difficult than putting them on the floor.

Is it possible to build Ikea PAX upright

According to the assembly instructions, you will need to have a room of 2.44m height in order to lift it up from the ground.